Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Top Ten Predators -0-

10 : Tarantula
Photograph:The American tarantula is a large spider that can be found in the southwestern United States.
Tarantula spiders wait for victims, then they pounce the victim, crush them with fangs, shower the victim's body with digestive juices and then lap up the resulting fluid.

9 : Black Mamba

They are found in Africa. When they attack, they strike their victims repeatedly, releasing neurotoxin and cardiotoxin.

8 : Piranha
Piranha picture
They are found in South America rivers.They wait for victims, then attack with their teeth and jaws.They sometimes form a group in order to take down large prey.

7 : Grey Wolf
The success of the hunt depends on cooperation. Members of the pack encourage the victim to run. Then, the alpha male leads the chase, followed by his alpha female. Once their victim stumbles and falls to the ground, the pack surrounds the animal and kill it.

6 : Komodo Dragon

They are the largest type of lizards. They are fast, strong and tenacious. They have toxic bite. They mostly hunt by ambushing the prey. They are good swimmers and runners.

5 : Crocodile
The Nile Crocodile
They have powerful teeth and jaws. They wait for the victim in the water, then drag it underwater and tear the flesh.

4 : Killer Whale/Orca
Killer Whale
They are the largest member of the dolphin family. They have a lot of ingenious hunting techniques. They are highly social animals. They live in pods to work together for snagging prey.

3 : Grizzly Bear

They are in North America. They have strong limbs, paws and jaws. They are good swimmers and runners. The best response facing them is to stand still. If you try to run, they would chase with high speed.

2 : Lion

The 'king of the jungle' live in prides that work together in hunting. Lioness are the one that hunts for the pride because lionesses are more aggressive by nature.

1 : Great White Shark
Diving with Great White Sharks
They are fast swimmer. They have streamlined body and strong jaws. They have many rows of sharp teeth that will be replaced if one is lost. They normally begin their attacks with a single bite, then waits for the victim to be weakened by the wound, then they eat the victim.

 Thanks for all the sources!!! :)


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